I sit here typing up this blog with only finger, purely because im unable to use my other one due to the circumstances I've been through this week.
A broken collar bone was not expected by me or anyone nor was there anyone to blame. Unfortunatly its fallen 2 days before exams, a week before my grad, and 11 days before my along waited trip to the island of Samoa. Through this event, I have come to a greater appreciation of my family and Im enjoying spending these lasts weeks with them in Aus before my depature to fiji next year.
I will be Unable to surf here in Australia till September 2011 which is quite sadenning, but my adventures through the waters on Fiji for 8 months will definitly bring some excite to my life, and hopefully some entertainment for you.
Until then, Surf photos from land is my next challenge, and events like this one below at Ramp Attack.
More photos published on my facebook tomorrow. Click
here to take you straight to it.

A strange edit that I like